FUCK_ABLE producti0ns DA WIZARD & DJ WARL0CK! presents TERR0RD0ME '99 !! Will Be FastBass1/MAZ dyou want terrrroorrr??? colabora DJ CHIN0 , indudablemente. . terrordome . terrordome . terrordome .terrordome .errordome .rrordome .rordome .ordome .rdome .dome .ome .me .e . fuckable . fuckable .fuckable .uckable .ckable come on! UP THE BASS !!!! kick ya assss FUCK_ABLE productions :) ;) terrooorrrrrr!!!!!! what's this ?? clap ! (((((((((((((((( clap ! (((((((((((( clap ! (((((( terrordome fuck you are! holy shit! is aliveee!!! DA WIZARD & DJ WARL0CK a fucking black screaming it's hardcoooorreee !!! hhaarrddccooorreee!!! fucking_bitch'a terrordooommeeeee!!! want terrorrr??? w a r n i n g ! ! (c) SAmmyB F_A_ productions OLA ! ! FUCK_ABLE productions BY DJ WARL0CK, da WIZARD (el h started at: 9-11-98 >1 hour b empezada el 9 -11- 98 una hora last update: 6-12-98 >last u CUIDADO>>>> vijila las distorsio muy alto. Para ello TREBLE> ahi ponlo al a 13 si no vas a pon a poner muy alta qui deberias de meterle canciones por un eki WARNING !!!>>> keep the fucking d strong BASS...beco So,adjust da fucki and check the bass i have is: 13. PLAY IT LOUDDD!!!! One of da bests of But you can mail m 0992024V02@abonado nos vemos. mail us, contacta whit 0992024V023@abonados. HHAARRDDCCOORREE!!!!!! come on .... i hope your hard or your fuc ;)